What to do about the UK's war on truth, freedom and common sense.
A growing sense of incredulity at how covid vaccine pushers are using barefaced lies to further their own gains, is pushing many of us to the brink.
A bilge-fest penned by someone called Rowena, a fresh-faced political editor who undoubtedly thinks she is acting on behalf of that elusive ‘greater good’, is the latest perpetrator in the full-frontal assault on common decency and honesty by a media rag I no longer deem worthy to line my cat’s litter tray.
‘What to do about the UK’s unvaccinated?’ Oh dear Rowena. You’d be better off asking what to do with the UK’s never-quite-fully-vaccinated, who have been lured onto an interminable jab wagon that seems impossible to alight from. Truly they are the ones between a rock and a hard place. Or, a needle and a world of heinous, ignorant ostracisation.
Among the many cardinal sins committed in this wretched defilement of logic and basic morality, is the casual wielding of that old ‘90% in hospital are unvaccinated’ chestnut.
“Javid has estimated that 90% of the most severely ill in hospital at the moment are unvaccinated”.
Now proven to be a barefaced fallacy of such magnitude as to result in one of the world’s first truthful factchecks.
The words ‘plausible deniability’ will soon become the opiate of these deplorables, having merely regurgitated the odious lies of others, who projectile-vomit the rampant misinformation they were handed. We’re all waiting for the inevitable day when they throw their hands up en masse and claim ‘we had no idea, we were just doing what we were told!’.
Trouble is, as the information era has shown, the truth just won’t be kept down.
As part of her Ode to Hogwash, Rowena pays brief lip service to the countries that have implemented the movement license (to no avail) and asks what it would take to convince the bullshit immune – casually invoking the ‘stick in lieu of the carrot’ the way one might discuss punishing an unruly 10-year-old, instead of victimising those who exercise their sacred bodily autonomy. Dear worthy, liberal Rowena, has ‘just doing your part ‘ever looked quite so dystopian?
Well since you’ve asked, what would it take?
In the merciless affront to our senses, so inescapable that one can no longer watch a streaming service without having Whitty loom into view like some sinister uninvited uncle, the regime’s propaganda machine has tapped just about every coercive technique in the book: We’ve had lashings of shame, heaped upon layers of guilt, piled upon gallons of gushing celebrity endorsement, and a mountain of FOMO.
Yet in and amongst all that painstakingly crafted psychological trickery and debasement, there has been a stark absence of the one thing that might just work in their favour: a risk/benefit analysis that actually comes out in favour of the treatments, and empirical evidence of their efficacy.
Because contrary to popular media distortion, the vast majority of the great un-jabbed are not Trump worshipping flat-earthers who fear the Lizard people’s mind-control device, they are reasonable, rational people who have yet to see a shred of evidence that suggests these treatments are anything other than the single most unhinged, nefarious medical experiment in known history.
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